Chris Collins

Chris Collins ran several business units within Linden Lab, the parent company of Second Life, working closely with the executive team. Two years ago, he started his own company, creating simulations and educational games. Chris is responsible for bringing the Flying Monkey Interactive Team together.

Ben Rohr

Ben is a Chartered Accountant who has worked in financial markets globally. Ben founded and sold three successful businesses. He brings a wealth of experience in building businesses on a bootstrapping budget and executing successful exits.

Hamilton Hitchings

Hamilton Hitchings is the CTO & VP of Engineering for FMI. He is an Engineering Leader with over 20 years of industry experience and a Strong track record of building and running high-performance engineering teams to create and deliver services and applications. At Linden Lab as Executive Engineering Director he partnered with Chris Collins in the creation of Second Life Enterprise used by he US Military, Fortune 500 Corporations (such as IBM) and Universities for cutting edge virtual world applications. Previously at Openwave as a very early member of the engineering team, a founder and leader of Openwave Consulting Services and Senior Engineering Director he helped web enable over a billion mobile handsets.